Cara Anderson began her career as an Interior Designer equipped with a design sensibility rooted in holistic principles and practices. She approaches creative problems with sensitivity to the end user experience. Cara's portfolio includes office, retail, government, and exhibition spaces.

Having practiced as an Interior Designer for more than a decade, Cara turned her skills and experience and applied them to project management. Through clear communication and efficient organization, Cara ensures the successful delivery of all her projects.

Earthly Citizen

Cara is deeply interested in the preservation of the environment and its living resources. She lists 'plants and gardening' as an obsession of hers, which carries over into her experience in designing living walls in interior spaces.

Animal Farm

As an animal rights activist, Cara would love to follow in the footsteps of Temple Grandin to encourage ethical and humane farming practices.

A Proponent for Change

If you were to browse through Cara's playlist, you may be surprised to find Tupac's 'Changes' as part of her regular musical rotation.